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Asking questions#


As the training is conducted entirely on-line and not in a traditional classroom setting there isn't an easy way for you to ask questions.

Since RStudio provides community support at, we use this site for any discussion and questions about the Team Admin Training.

To participate in the discussion, or to ask questions, you have must have a community account and can log in.

Task: visit RStudio Community#


If you already have an account, make sure you can log in and send us your username. Instructions for sending us your username are including in your onboarding email.

To ask a question on community you need to already have completed these steps:

  1. Create a valid community account
  2. Tell us your username so we can add you to the private training group

You can then post a question in the private training group.

Task: create an account#

If you don’t already have an account, click the "Sign up" link at the top of the page.

  • Fill in the requested details and click submit.

  • The community site will send you an activation email to the address you provided

  • Click the link in the email to confirm your email address

  • Then click to activate your account

  • You can now log in using your new username and password.

Once you’re logged in the site itself will provide some orientation information.

At this point feel free to have a look around but make sure you send us your community username.

We’ll add your username to the cohort group undertaking the training with you and once that’s done, you’ll be able to access training support as well as discuss the training with the other trainees.

Once you have access to the Team Admin Training category within the community site we encourage you to post a little about yourself in the cohort introductions topic.

Asking good questions#

Before asking a question, please review the available resources to see if your question hasn't been answered already:

If you have any questions, you should create a new topic within the Team Admin Training category with your question and any useful supporting information, for example:

  • What you’re trying to do
  • Where in the training you are/what section
  • What is happening / what error message do you see?
  • What are you expecting to happen?

RStudio staff will try to respond as quickly as possible, but remember, you’re training as part of a group, so if see that someone has a question that you know the answer to, feel free to answer it. We’re all working together.